fredag den 20. juli 2012

There's no place like home

Honey! I'm hooome! :p

Last monday my family and I went on a camping trip, (as you know... or may not know) to Skagen, which is the very top of Denmark in Jodland. The weather was a killer, but otherwise I guess it was okay...

The best day was definitely the one we spend in the town it self, 'cause sitting in a camping trailer all day listening to the rain and tracing the bench patterns is only funny for about 5 seconds..

And another killjoy thing that happend was, that we've just gotten home and now I'm sick... I mean, wtf! Right? Thanks universe!

There I was, sitting in my room, minding my own buisness (namely watching Adam Lambert videos on Youtube...), when I was suddenly hit by a wave of nausea and then I got really warm and my heart started beating really fast, so I did the most logical thing I could think of... I grabbed my trash bin and ran down the stairs to throw myself on the bathroom floor... then I camped by the toilet for about an hour. Then I couldn't hide it from my mom anymore and I was sent to bed... I was going there anyway, you know, but I would rather do it by myself than because my mother told me to... Jeez...

I've camped in my bed for about the whole day, which is really bad luck, (or bad karma) because it's my younger brother's birthday... and I missed out on it, because I was busy lying in my bed, using a bucket as a stuffed animal... Awesome. I think I just won the 'Sister of the year' award...

Next week (believe it or not), i'm going... dun dun DUUUN.. camping! ... . ... . ... Again! I'll leave on sunday and then be back on wednesday, so it could be worse...

I don't hate camping... I just, miss my own bed, ya know? I don't get much sleep (less than I normally do), and my whole body hurts the next day and then you just know that the day is gonna be rubbish and then everyone is like... Shit!

Well... yeah. I'm sorry that I've mainly been using this update to let out steam, but I had to get it out somewhere...

Well... let's move on to a less steam/stress-out-letting subject... it's going to be about. My Facebook profile photo.

I had a fase where I changed it almost every week and now it's been the same for... a long time... o.o
And I want a new one! I hope that I'll get help from Emma(, because if i'm gonna do it by myself, let's be honest. I'll end up with a photo of Adam fucking Lambert and Tommy-Joe freaking Ratliff so God... or Emma (I don't care which) help me.

Or actually I do care, 'cause God... doesn't... exist... Which would be the same as not... asking for... help... Right.

So that's it for now. Tomorrow i'm gonna spend the day owning up to my little brother for being such a bad sister today and hopefully I'll get another update posted before the upcoming camping trip! Otherwise i'm dead... or I'll just make it from my cellphone again.. who knows?

See ya later,
Love Christina! ;)

mandag den 16. juli 2012

Camping trip

So. This is gonna be a very small update, explaining why I can't post something all week. I'm going on a camping trip. In my own country. What's the point? I know right?

I'm actually in the car right now. We've driven for about 1,15 hours. 1,30 to go.

Anyway. That's the reason for my upcomming absents.

Have a good one guys,
Love Christina. ;)

fredag den 13. juli 2012

I'm Alive!

Hey... remember me? :p

So, yeah. Hi. I just remembered that I have a blog. Actually, I've known for a while but there were nothing exciting to write about! -Not that there is now, but I felt like posting something. ;)

So... How are you all? I've been doing a lot of things since my last post, and if you're ready for an update, then here we go!

First of all, i'm out of school. I only had 1 exam... which was 'Art class'. I was really nervous, 'cause my friend Emma(, told me that the censor/supervising teacher was a real bitch. That caused a great deal of anxiety on my part and I almost fainted during preparation.
I kinda think that my teacher told the censor that, 'cause all of the sudden she was super nice. She smiled, laughed and even offered me coffee. :p
Ofcourse I was like: What the fuck?! But yeah... that resulted in me getting the next highest grade there is, which in Denmark is 10. The current grading system looks like this:


So maybe you get why i'm happy and pleased! I actually -not kidding- almost cried from happiness and relief. I think Emma almost did too.. love ya Boo. :*

Next... uh. I can't remember, so I'll settle on just telling you about some of the stuff I did in a random order. :p

I went partying with one of my best friends called Laura. She is really nice and I've known her since I was born. -Again.. not kidding!
In all of that time have we NEVER had ONE SINGLE argument... that's pretty admirable if you ask me. ;)
My point is i love her and we had a great time. 

Yeah... it was a great night. We had so much fun! Even when Laura was waaay drunker than me. :p We actually met Babou and Basim - two danish celebrities. They have both been in the danish X-factor. They were really nice and I took a picture of Babou with Laura.

He may not be pretty but he was very charming.
We also made a new friend called Jakob, who lives in my birth city Kolding and he knows a lot of the people I know, so it was pretty funny meeting him in Vejle and then the day after discovering that we know the same people. Also, he was very nice and bought a slushice for Laura. I got some chocolate. :)

You may have heard but i'm gonna tell you. Adam Lambert has been doing some concerts with Queen. It's AWESOME! I know right! ;) There will NEVER EVER IN THE HISTORY be another Freddie Mercury, but if anyone should come close in comparison it's Adam Lambert.

A very funny thing is that Adam ripped his pants during the second concert yesterday in London. I find it very ironic that it was under the song 'I Want To Break Free'... well... He did break free. In some way. :p

Here's a link to the video. Watch Adam's expression.. too funny! :D

I think he realizes about 2:03 :) It's so cute and funny! And he's so cool about it! :D

Eeeeh... is there anything else?? I can't remember.. .well.. that's a surprise.. (NOT!) :)
It's doesn't matter that I don't remember, 'cause really... what would 1 post more hurt, right? ;)

That's it for now, see ya later.
Follow me on twitter:
Untill next time!

Love Christina! ;)

onsdag den 6. juni 2012

Dreams to be fulfilled...

I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined.

I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned...

Staring at the blank page before you,
Open up the dirty window,
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find...

Reaching for something in the distance,
So close you can almost taste it,
Release your inhibitions.
Feel the rain on your skin!
No one else can feel it for you,
Only you can let it in.
No one else, no one else,
Can speak the words on your lips.
Drench yourself in words unspoken,
Live your life with arms wide open.
Today is where your book begins,
But the rest is still unwritten...

Sorry... I just randomly started humming the song, while I was thinking about a subject to blog about... I thought this song fitted how that went. :p

So today I've chosen the subject: Dreams...

I have been searching through my brain to find all the dreams I have... Clearly I don't know them all, but I found one or two... Or twenty... No. Back on the subject. I think having a dream is a very important thing to have in life. You have to have a goal... Something you have to accomplish here in life. I mean... What are you living for if you don't have an end game?

I started thinking about this yesterday, when one of my friends asked me: "Do you think we have a purpose in our lives? Do you think our destinies have already been decided?" 
At first I was like: "Woah! Hold your horses!" Then we started laughing and forgot about it...

But I started thinking about it again last night... And yeah. I do have dreams...
Is my destiny planned? Maybe. I don't think so. I think I have a chance to form it myself, based on the choices I make in my life. That way of thinking makes me happy. :)

Now i'm not gonna tell you my dreams, but I will say this. Some of my dreams are long-time dreams, that I don't want to pursue right now. I have some things I need to finish before I can move on to the bigger things.

I'm sorry if i'm not being my normal sarcastic self... I guess i'm just not tired enough... 
Lol: 'When she's not tired, she's a nice person!' :p

Anyways, let me know some of your dreams in the comments. Do you have any? What is your opinion? Let me know. :)

See ya later,
Love Christina. ;)

onsdag den 16. maj 2012

I spy...

I discovered something really cool today... by accident. I was in the middle of history class, trolling away on twitter and then I moved my mouse in a crazy direction and pressed some random buttons and then suddenly, my computer opens a new browser that says: "You're now incognito!" And I was like:









It was so cool... every page you visit won't be showed in your browserdata or your searchdata... why didn't I know that?! I could have used that all year! I could have been on facebook at the same time as my school mail and the school wouldn't be able to detect it! Jeez i'm slow...

I'm totally gonna use this for everything! Emma even figured out the way to get it to apear:

Ctrl + shift + n = Total awesomeness!! 

Iiiiiiiib.... I don't know why i'm so excited... but I am! .......... Please don't judge me! :p

I'm gonna go now... I have to have Geography ... and the teacher is starring at me... okay... awkward ... bye now...

OH!!!!! Wait!

P.s. ...................................................... I TOLD YOU SO!!!!! :D

See ya later,
Love Christina ;).

tirsdag den 15. maj 2012

Money must be funny...

Recently, i've discovered that keeping the money you get is hard. I get about 886 Dkr. every month which of I have to pay 120 Dkr. to my cellphone company...
Also, I owe Emma 300 Dkr. so... you do the math...

I need to get better at saving up, instead of using the little that I got... now how to do that? the only solution I can think of is practise... starting today... or tomorrow... okay... next month ;).

I had a dream (see the irony?)... I owned endless stacks of money. It was so awesome... *sigh*

I'm gonna make that a reality... I just need to figure out a way to make it true... a genius masterplan...

I'm good at making those actually... if you didn't know... which you didn't...

Anyways... I wanna make a bank account so I can save up for my U.S. trip :) I wanna go on a roadtrip through all the big citys in the exciting states like LA, NY, Texas :D you know the drill...

Hmm... and I have a thing that i've wanted to buy in a long time and it becomes accessible today...
Adam Lambert's Trespassing!!! :D

Oh look... short post!...

See ya later,
Love Christina ;).

mandag den 14. maj 2012

One more day!!!

Are you ready Glamberts?! ONE MORE DAY!!!! :D

If you don't know what i'm on about... then i'm talking about the release of TRESPASSING!!!!!! :D

AARGH!! This is so exciting!! :D
To your information, i've already heard the album and it's the bomb!! Seriously it's so good!
It's like Michael Jackson on acid meets funky Madonna... I mean! Just wauw....

It takes us on an emotional trip through Adam's feelings and songs as Underneath and Outlaws of Love can produce tears, while songs as Cuckoo, Shady and Pop that Lock makes you dance like a maniac!

I have spend an hour listening to all the songs one at a time, and I was surprised at how I went from dancing to crying in like... 3-4 songs...

The album has been long on the way and it's release date has been pushed back from the 20th of Marts to the 15th of May and has been highly anticipated.

It's rarely for artists' second albums to do as good as their first ones, but Trespassing is said to do just as good as For you Entertainment. Just here the 9th of May Adam's first album went platinum. 
If Trespassing is said to do just as good, I congratulate Adam Lambert on his succes and all there's yet to come.

We're gonna see a lot of Adam in the near future. Today he's gonna be on Good Morning America and just in a couple of days, he's gonna perform songs from his new album on the GMA's, VH1 and American Idol.

As I said... get ready Glamberts! It's gonna be a wild ride!! :D

See ya later,
Love Christina ;).

torsdag den 3. maj 2012

Told you so!

Okay. So yesterday I discovered that your decisions in life can change really quickly! Like the day before yesterday, I wrote that I didn't want to get charged with assault right? Well... I was seriously reconsidering my choice... I just really wanted to hit a stupid person in the head with a frying pan... I came pretty close to doing too... but I didn't! But only just. Now, because i'm such a nice person, I will not mention the stupid person's name (dirty little f*cker!) No...

Okay, back to the real matter of this update! ...... but before we go there, I should probably say, that this post is called "Told you so!" because i'm gonna keep my promise on making 5-6 posts this month. I know I shouldn't say "told you so" yet, but I am in fact gonna pull through... good. Just thought I'd let you know ;).

Okay! Now i'm serious! To the post subject!!!! Daaada dadadadaaaada dadadadaaada !!!

Here in Denmark, it's a tradition for teenagers to get 'Konfirmated'... it's something they have to do if they believe in God...or just want money... anyway, my little brother is to be 'konfirmated'. Sounds weird saying that in english...also, if you don't believe in God, you can get 'Non-firmated' or some shit... I really don't know what it's called in english since it's not something they do...
Well, the most exciting thing about my little brother's... let's call it God-party... is that I get to dress up real pretty, without people looking at me strangely... (Hurrah for me! :D)

Okay, so let me tell you what i'm wearing... i'm gonna wear a black dress from H&M, that Emma (Univers According To Emma) paid for... (i'm gonna pay her back, when I get more money!)
It looks like this:

It's so pretty and the skirt can twirl!! :D Over that i'm wearing a black blazer and finally the shoes:

Looks like this!! :D

I love them... and I bet that you love them two... or maybe you hate them because they make you look fat, but they make me look tall, so right now, they're my most prized possession!! 

Aaaaand that's it for today.. over and out! KABOOOOM!!!!!!

See ya,
Love Christina ;).

tirsdag den 1. maj 2012

My Bucketlist Continued...

So through all of apil, i've been slacking an awful lot on my blog. Well, that's gonna change now! So my goal is making 5-6 updates in this month. It's not crazy hard, but i'm gonna try :p
Here's my first, and i'm gonna use it to continue my bucketlist...


That's some pretty good ones this time... I want to try the last one, but I don't want to get charged with assault so... Either i'm gonna have to kill the person afterwards or create an alias... no i'm totally kidding... or am I???

No, but I still want to try it. Maybe if I ever get robbed?? Or if i'm assaulted on the street... then of course, I would have to carry a frying pan in my bag... O.O no... scratch that last one...





I'm bored...

Remember that last post I made, telling about always writing these posts in class? Yeah... i'm doing that right now...

I think my teacher hates me...

I'm gonna go... now...

I'm gonna listen to my teacher ;)


See ya,
Love Christina ;).

mandag den 30. april 2012

Getting ready in the morning

You know that feeling you get, when you're sitting in front of the mirror and you have to go, but you're stupid enough to believe that you got all the time in the world... yeah. That's how my morning went. Let me tell you about my morning...

I was in my bed "sleeping" "peacefully", when I heard this absolutely awful, loud banging noise. It turned out to be my mom... knocking... on... the door... at 6:25 AM -.-

I told her I would get up (which was a lie) and then she thankfully went away.

Then 15 minutes later... my alarm was going off... goddamnit... then I went to sleep... again (HAHA! TAKE THAT YOU BITCH!!)

10 minutes after that... my mom came back and then I had to get up, 'cause if I didn't I wouldn't get up at all, 'cause my mom was going to work and I didn't reset my alarm (clever me...). So I got up.

I ate... I brushed my teeth... used 10 minutes on deciding what to wear, when I allready had decided that the night before. Then it took me 5 minutes to put it on.

Then I set an alarm to go off when I had to go... then I started putting on makeup. There were just so many pretty makeup things on my table, so I had to play with them and decide which one I should wear, 'cause they were there anyway, so not putting some eyeshaddow on would be a waste... so I thought. I wasn't even done concealing my skin when my alarm went off and as the highly intelligent girl that I am... I didn't hurry or anything... noooo 'cause that's when I got the feeling: "I got all the time in the world!"

And that feeling, my children... is very selfish... it means that you're egocentric... Because of course you got all the time in the world right? I mean... hello... the univers is all about ME! Right?! So why hurry?

We're all just human and we all get that feeling from time to time, but at least it's not all the time... but some people... some people right, they have that feeling all the time... and those are the people whom you should ignore! ;)

I just realized that I wrote all that, without making a smiley before just now... omg.

That is the longest post I've EVER made!!! Good for me :P

Anyways... you'll hear from me before the day is over I PROMISE!! :D

until then.. see ya later,
Love Christina ;).

tirsdag den 24. april 2012

Let's make up for lost time...

Let's get one thing straight. I don't apologize a lot... or at least I don't think so, but i firmly believe that I owe you an apology... or at least I owe Janice one... "No honey, i'm not dead. I just forgot my Blog again," and for that i'm really really sorry, please forgive me!

In the meantime while I was...having memory loss... you've missed some very important moments!!

First of all (and yes, this is important and if you don't like this subject, feel free to skip or GET THE, but please :p) Adam Lambert has released his second single from his new album Trespassing.

It's called: 'Never close our eyes'. It was written by Bruno Mars, but it sounds so much better after Adam has changed it!! :D

Here's a link to the song: Adam Lambert - Never close our eyes
You will hear it and you WILL love it. No discussion what so ever...

Secondly... here in my "high school" we had a day of last friday... I don't know why, but every year when our rector sees a starling for the first time, we have a day off. I'm not complaining, but I find it a bit weird.. o.O

THIS IS NOT A THIRDLY, but seriously... i'm dying!!!!!!! I just heard Adam Lambert in a live radio interview on IHeartRadio and that's only available i the U.S. but I got through!! OMG!!!!!!!!!! :D I can die happy now!!!!!!!!<3

Erhm... *cough cough*
Thirdly... Aaarh who am I kidding... I totally forgot my list after hearing Adam's voice.. omg!

I am gonna continue this when i'm not hyperventilating... until then..

Love Christina! ;)

torsdag den 5. april 2012

What's new?

Hmm... I always feel awkward when I haven't posted something in a while... sorry about that btw.

It's not because I want to come with an excuse, but I'm going to anyways. It's because we have Easter break (!:D!), so I've been busy sleeping and recharging my batteries.. but I'm back! Kinda...

I wanna tell you what's new. So what's up with my life is, that IM GOING PARTYING!!! :D

Erm... not to exaggerate but uh... it's called Full Moon and the party is held at Club Foam here in Vejle :)
I can't wait! There's going to be UV paint... lol :p.

Aaand Adam Lambert (Yes! Again) has published his album tracklist!! WUHOO!!! One step closer to Trespassing!!! (I am so getting the deluxe version!).

The tracklist:  
1. Trespassing
2. Cuckoo
3. Shady
4. Never close our eyes
5. Kickin' in
6. Naked love
7. Pop that lock
8. Better than I know myself
9. Broken english
10. Underneath
11. Chokehold
12. Outlaws of love
13. Runnin'
14. Take back
15. Nirvana

That looks exciting!! :D

I know I can't wait. Trespassing drops May 15th and is a more personal album than Adam's last. He talks about it being "split" into two sides, where one side is light and party-like and the other one is more dark. 
Get ready Glamberts! This is gonna blow our minds! I'm sure of it! :D

That's it for today..
See ya later!

Love Christina! ;)  

fredag den 16. marts 2012

Math?...Eeeh. Not So Much...

So yeah... I don't like math. Mostly because I can't figure out how to do stuff and you know... stuff... but I just don't like it.

If it's so clever, then why do we have to figure it out?

Also. Why do we have to learn these things, if we can just look it up in a book if we need it?

It's the same with all the other things we learn in school. We learn it from books and most of the time, we don't even use the things we learn. Then why do we have to learn things we don't need? We can just look it up ourselves if we need to use the information! OMG!!!

Yeah so... as you may have guessed, this is a rant. I'm sorry (not!), it's just... this annoys me... (PISSES ME OFF!!)

Ok no. No more negative energy. let's think positive thoughts! In ten years we'll have forgotten everything!! :D YAY! Go positive energy! :D

And this is how i'll end my week. With positive energy... and booze!

Love Christina! ;)

onsdag den 14. marts 2012

BTIKM Remixes!!!

Hello! :D Second post today BAHM!!!

I know that you probably think that i'm, like, really annoying with my Adam Lambert obsession, but i'm a Glambert from my skin to my soul and i'm freaking (<-fucking) proud of it!


All right.. back to the serious stuff. It's been a while since his first single from his new album Trespassing came out and now, all the remixes have been released and let me say people, those remixes, FUCKING rock!! :D

I'm gonna leave the links here:

And my personal favorite:

So yeah.. check them out! They're awesome right? (RIGHT?!)

I seriously love them and as soon as i'm not sick anymore, i'm gonna crank 'em up and dance all around my house! :D

So yeah... this is my second update today, so i'll wait with posting again, but I promise I won't be too long ;)

Love Christina! ;)

My Bucketlist Continued...

And now i'm going to continue my dear bucketlist, which I fully intend to experience and take pictures to show you.. (Eeehh...) i'm at least gonna do all that I actually find possible ;)

So that's it for now... can you feel it? It's beginning to become a little adventurous! But all are things that I really would like to try and it's not called a bucketlist for nothing, so i'm gonna do my best to get through it :p

I hope i'm not gonna try all these things alone, 'cause I would like for my friends to be there with me at all times :)

I am going to continue this, 'cause it's gonna be looong people. I intend on living a long life! You can't get rid of me that easy ;).

See ya later,
Love Christina! ;) 

mandag den 12. marts 2012

Icky Sicknessy...

So... i'm sick. I think it's just a cold, but then it's worse than any cold i've ever had. I hurt everywhere and I can't breathe! :(

I really feel like I should be home in my bed drinking tea, but ofcourse (because God hates me) i'm forced in school. I don't really have any "sickness-tips" or anything, so if you have some advice leave it in the comments. (Please!).

I'm sorry I haven't updated  my blog in a long time. I'm just tired.... and I kinda forgot that I have a blog... Hahah. I'm so far gone in my "illnessy-mind-sleeping" state.

So. As you may have guessed, i'm in class again. Right now we have Biology and my teacher is talking about DNA and I really try to listen, but it's so BORING! D:
I'm so SO tired and I easily get distracted and oh.... a bird!

No sorry... I can go home in an hour... so i'll daydream about the milkshake I can buy at Burger King when i'm off...

See ya.
Love Christina! :)

torsdag den 8. marts 2012

Die 7 Zwerge

Today in german class, we saw this movie: 7 Zwerge Männer allein im Wald. It was fun but it was in german, with german subtitles, so it was a little hard to understand at times...

When they were out marching in the forrets, they sang this weird song:

It's really catchy so watch out! It's still spinning around in my head :p.

The main fairytale is Snow-White, but there's a lot of other known things in it two. For example: Gandalf the White from the Lord of the Rings and little red riding hood, so it's actually pretty funny. It's a lot of famous german actors that plays the seven dwarfs, so you probably don't know them, but I've seen some of them before.. 

Anyway, this is just a short post. I'm still here, just... "kinda" busy. I promise a longer post next time.

See ya,
Love Christina ;).

søndag den 4. marts 2012

My Bucketlist Continued...

So here's some more things that I'd like to do..

Yeah so... a little more personal long-time-to-come-future... except for the first and second. I would like that to happen now :p

Yeah.. that was it for this time :) It will be continued!!!

See ya,
Love Christina. ;)