torsdag den 8. marts 2012

Die 7 Zwerge

Today in german class, we saw this movie: 7 Zwerge Männer allein im Wald. It was fun but it was in german, with german subtitles, so it was a little hard to understand at times...

When they were out marching in the forrets, they sang this weird song:

It's really catchy so watch out! It's still spinning around in my head :p.

The main fairytale is Snow-White, but there's a lot of other known things in it two. For example: Gandalf the White from the Lord of the Rings and little red riding hood, so it's actually pretty funny. It's a lot of famous german actors that plays the seven dwarfs, so you probably don't know them, but I've seen some of them before.. 

Anyway, this is just a short post. I'm still here, just... "kinda" busy. I promise a longer post next time.

See ya,
Love Christina ;).

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