In the meantime while I was...having memory loss... you've missed some very important moments!!
First of all (and yes, this is important and if you don't like this subject, feel free to skip or GET THE, but please :p) Adam Lambert has released his second single from his new album Trespassing.
It's called: 'Never close our eyes'. It was written by Bruno Mars, but it sounds so much better after Adam has changed it!! :D
You will hear it and you WILL love it. No discussion what so ever...
Secondly... here in my "high school" we had a day of last friday... I don't know why, but every year when our rector sees a starling for the first time, we have a day off. I'm not complaining, but I find it a bit weird.. o.O
THIS IS NOT A THIRDLY, but seriously... i'm dying!!!!!!! I just heard Adam Lambert in a live radio interview on IHeartRadio and that's only available i the U.S. but I got through!! OMG!!!!!!!!!! :D I can die happy now!!!!!!!!<3
Erhm... *cough cough*
Thirdly... Aaarh who am I kidding... I totally forgot my list after hearing Adam's voice.. omg!I am gonna continue this when i'm not hyperventilating... until then..
Love Christina! ;)
Someone ought to whoop your ass girl! You have me climbing up the walls with worry. ;-)
SvarSletBut I will forgive you but only because you write these awesome news about Adam Lambert! :-D
Don't take that long again gurlfried. ;-)
Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry SORRY!!!!! :D
SvarSletI won't! I fact. I'm gonna make it my mission to write 3-4 posts today!!! :)