tirsdag den 15. maj 2012

Money must be funny...

Recently, i've discovered that keeping the money you get is hard. I get about 886 Dkr. every month which of I have to pay 120 Dkr. to my cellphone company...
Also, I owe Emma 300 Dkr. so... you do the math...

I need to get better at saving up, instead of using the little that I got... now how to do that? the only solution I can think of is practise... starting today... or tomorrow... okay... next month ;).

I had a dream (see the irony?)... I owned endless stacks of money. It was so awesome... *sigh*

I'm gonna make that a reality... I just need to figure out a way to make it true... a genius masterplan...

I'm good at making those actually... if you didn't know... which you didn't...

Anyways... I wanna make a bank account so I can save up for my U.S. trip :) I wanna go on a roadtrip through all the big citys in the exciting states like LA, NY, Texas :D you know the drill...

Hmm... and I have a thing that i've wanted to buy in a long time and it becomes accessible today...
Adam Lambert's Trespassing!!! :D

Oh look... short post!...

See ya later,
Love Christina ;).

3 kommentarer:

  1. So. Did you know that you were not supposed to drop your computer on the floor? I surely didn't.

    I seriously like dropped my computer. On. The. Floor. -.-"

    Long story short: I dropped it, it broke, I had to pay for getting it fixed. Great, right?

    But good job on keeping the updates comming. ;-)

  2. You dropped your... XDD

    AHAHA!!! This is too funny... i can't even...

    Hahah...that's such a relief! I thought you were dead!!

  3. I've got 2000 saved up for our roadtrip Boo:-*
