If it's so clever, then why do we have to figure it out?
Also. Why do we have to learn these things, if we can just look it up in a book if we need it?
It's the same with all the other things we learn in school. We learn it from books and most of the time, we don't even use the things we learn. Then why do we have to learn things we don't need? We can just look it up ourselves if we need to use the information! OMG!!!
Yeah so... as you may have guessed, this is a rant. I'm sorry (not!), it's just... this annoys me... (PISSES ME OFF!!)
Ok no. No more negative energy. let's think positive thoughts! In ten years we'll have forgotten everything!! :D YAY! Go positive energy! :D
And this is how i'll end my week. With positive energy... and booze!
Love Christina! ;)