fredag den 16. marts 2012

Math?...Eeeh. Not So Much...

So yeah... I don't like math. Mostly because I can't figure out how to do stuff and you know... stuff... but I just don't like it.

If it's so clever, then why do we have to figure it out?

Also. Why do we have to learn these things, if we can just look it up in a book if we need it?

It's the same with all the other things we learn in school. We learn it from books and most of the time, we don't even use the things we learn. Then why do we have to learn things we don't need? We can just look it up ourselves if we need to use the information! OMG!!!

Yeah so... as you may have guessed, this is a rant. I'm sorry (not!), it's just... this annoys me... (PISSES ME OFF!!)

Ok no. No more negative energy. let's think positive thoughts! In ten years we'll have forgotten everything!! :D YAY! Go positive energy! :D

And this is how i'll end my week. With positive energy... and booze!

Love Christina! ;)

onsdag den 14. marts 2012

BTIKM Remixes!!!

Hello! :D Second post today BAHM!!!

I know that you probably think that i'm, like, really annoying with my Adam Lambert obsession, but i'm a Glambert from my skin to my soul and i'm freaking (<-fucking) proud of it!


All right.. back to the serious stuff. It's been a while since his first single from his new album Trespassing came out and now, all the remixes have been released and let me say people, those remixes, FUCKING rock!! :D

I'm gonna leave the links here:

And my personal favorite:

So yeah.. check them out! They're awesome right? (RIGHT?!)

I seriously love them and as soon as i'm not sick anymore, i'm gonna crank 'em up and dance all around my house! :D

So yeah... this is my second update today, so i'll wait with posting again, but I promise I won't be too long ;)

Love Christina! ;)

My Bucketlist Continued...

And now i'm going to continue my dear bucketlist, which I fully intend to experience and take pictures to show you.. (Eeehh...) i'm at least gonna do all that I actually find possible ;)

So that's it for now... can you feel it? It's beginning to become a little adventurous! But all are things that I really would like to try and it's not called a bucketlist for nothing, so i'm gonna do my best to get through it :p

I hope i'm not gonna try all these things alone, 'cause I would like for my friends to be there with me at all times :)

I am going to continue this, 'cause it's gonna be looong people. I intend on living a long life! You can't get rid of me that easy ;).

See ya later,
Love Christina! ;) 

mandag den 12. marts 2012

Icky Sicknessy...

So... i'm sick. I think it's just a cold, but then it's worse than any cold i've ever had. I hurt everywhere and I can't breathe! :(

I really feel like I should be home in my bed drinking tea, but ofcourse (because God hates me) i'm forced in school. I don't really have any "sickness-tips" or anything, so if you have some advice leave it in the comments. (Please!).

I'm sorry I haven't updated  my blog in a long time. I'm just tired.... and I kinda forgot that I have a blog... Hahah. I'm so far gone in my "illnessy-mind-sleeping" state.

So. As you may have guessed, i'm in class again. Right now we have Biology and my teacher is talking about DNA and I really try to listen, but it's so BORING! D:
I'm so SO tired and I easily get distracted and oh.... a bird!

No sorry... I can go home in an hour... so i'll daydream about the milkshake I can buy at Burger King when i'm off...

See ya.
Love Christina! :)

torsdag den 8. marts 2012

Die 7 Zwerge

Today in german class, we saw this movie: 7 Zwerge Männer allein im Wald. It was fun but it was in german, with german subtitles, so it was a little hard to understand at times...

When they were out marching in the forrets, they sang this weird song:

It's really catchy so watch out! It's still spinning around in my head :p.

The main fairytale is Snow-White, but there's a lot of other known things in it two. For example: Gandalf the White from the Lord of the Rings and little red riding hood, so it's actually pretty funny. It's a lot of famous german actors that plays the seven dwarfs, so you probably don't know them, but I've seen some of them before.. 

Anyway, this is just a short post. I'm still here, just... "kinda" busy. I promise a longer post next time.

See ya,
Love Christina ;).

søndag den 4. marts 2012

My Bucketlist Continued...

So here's some more things that I'd like to do..

Yeah so... a little more personal long-time-to-come-future... except for the first and second. I would like that to happen now :p

Yeah.. that was it for this time :) It will be continued!!!

See ya,
Love Christina. ;)