onsdag den 25. januar 2012

Ditching Classes...

Is staying away from certain classes (like german) in school a crime?

That question has bothered me, ever since I thought about it. I'm used to in middle school, or as it is here in Denmark: just school, that the teacher will ask for a note, that says why you wasn't there.
(And people, that is a really good way of practise forging signatures!)

It's like watching the teacher get a slap i the face, with a really satisfying crunching sound, when you hand them the fake note and hear them approve it and accept the reason why you weren't there. (The best excuse is to be sick, while you were really just sitting at home watching television and drinking hot cocoa.)

Some teachers are just plain stupid. I once had a teacher who accepted my fake explanation for not doing my homework. It went like this:

Teacher: Why haven't you done your homework?
Me: Because my bird's cage fell on it...
Teacher: So?
Me: Then my cat tried to grab the bird....
Teacher: And?
Me: Eh... it ripped my homework to.. eh... shreds?
Teacher: Oh... ok.

That was epic!! :D

Anyways.. i'm in class right now. By the way, why is it I always write these posts in school? O_O
That's not the point.. the point is I have to go now.. (to die!) No... kidding. I'll see you later (NOT!).

Love Christina ;)

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