onsdag den 6. juni 2012

Dreams to be fulfilled...

I am unwritten, can't read my mind, I'm undefined.

I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand, ending unplanned...

Staring at the blank page before you,
Open up the dirty window,
Let the sun illuminate the words that you could not find...

Reaching for something in the distance,
So close you can almost taste it,
Release your inhibitions.
Feel the rain on your skin!
No one else can feel it for you,
Only you can let it in.
No one else, no one else,
Can speak the words on your lips.
Drench yourself in words unspoken,
Live your life with arms wide open.
Today is where your book begins,
But the rest is still unwritten...

Sorry... I just randomly started humming the song, while I was thinking about a subject to blog about... I thought this song fitted how that went. :p

So today I've chosen the subject: Dreams...

I have been searching through my brain to find all the dreams I have... Clearly I don't know them all, but I found one or two... Or twenty... No. Back on the subject. I think having a dream is a very important thing to have in life. You have to have a goal... Something you have to accomplish here in life. I mean... What are you living for if you don't have an end game?

I started thinking about this yesterday, when one of my friends asked me: "Do you think we have a purpose in our lives? Do you think our destinies have already been decided?" 
At first I was like: "Woah! Hold your horses!" Then we started laughing and forgot about it...

But I started thinking about it again last night... And yeah. I do have dreams...
Is my destiny planned? Maybe. I don't think so. I think I have a chance to form it myself, based on the choices I make in my life. That way of thinking makes me happy. :)

Now i'm not gonna tell you my dreams, but I will say this. Some of my dreams are long-time dreams, that I don't want to pursue right now. I have some things I need to finish before I can move on to the bigger things.

I'm sorry if i'm not being my normal sarcastic self... I guess i'm just not tired enough... 
Lol: 'When she's not tired, she's a nice person!' :p

Anyways, let me know some of your dreams in the comments. Do you have any? What is your opinion? Let me know. :)

See ya later,
Love Christina. ;)